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 Light saiyans/half saiyan forms

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Posts : 76
Join date : 2011-08-26

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Race: Saiyan
Power Level: 13,010

Light saiyans/half saiyan forms Empty
PostSubject: Light saiyans/half saiyan forms   Light saiyans/half saiyan forms Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 6:07 pm


Light Saiyan: A Saiyan that has attained the light super saiyan form. Their hair eyebrow and aura color stay white though their turns a bright sky blue.

Light Super Saiyan: A different form of a Super Saiyan that replaces it. It gives the Saiyan white hair and eyebrow color while their eyes stay the same super saiyan color. Their Aura also turns white as they gain access to special hidden techniques.

Requirements: Must have obtained SSJ, 5,000
Gained: X3 strength, X2 Stamina, X4 Ki, X4 Speed, X2 defense
Also there must be an emotional trigger but it can't be anger or any other destructive emotions.

Light Super Saiyan 2: A more advanced form of the light super saiyan form. This form is triggerd like a regular super saiyan 2 Form and they appear the same white color on the hair, eyebrow and aura as they have the regular super saiyan 2 electricity flow off of them. The hidden techniques they learned in LSSJ are increased in power.

Requirements: 7,000 pl
Gained: X4 Strength, X3 Stamina, X5 Hi, X5 Speed, X3 Defense
An emotional trigger is required though it can't be any destructive emotions

Light Super Saiyan 3: The light Saiyan version of Super Saiyan 3. They look almost identical except for the Light Saiyans unique white colored hair and aura. The techniques aquired from LSSJ evolve into white variants with the Word Light in their names.

Requirements: 8,000 pl
Gained: X5 Strength, X4 Stamina, X6 Ki, X6 Speed, X5 Defense
An emotional trigger is required though it can't be any destructive emotions

Light Super Saiyan 4: This is the final and ultimate form of a light Saiyan. They stay human but they grow fiercer and faster. They can demolish building in ablink. Their hair spikes out like in LSSJ but it goes higher and is a little longer. Their techniques are powerful enough to destroy entire planets when charged to their utmost max and contain the word Holy in their name.

Requirements: 10,000 pl
Gained: X8 Strength, X7 Stamina, X11 Ki, X11 Speed, X8 Defense
This form requires that you make the ultimate sacrifice in order to unlock and must have the first three forms LSSJ forms before attempting to gain this

These Saiyan forms are only attainable by Good Saiyans/Half-Saiyans.

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